Sunday, 23 February 2014

Good sleep and a balanced diet to lose weight

Lack of sleep hours

Studies have shown that the lack of the number of hours of sleep causes an increase in the sense of hunger by increasing the hormone ghrelin (the catalyst of appetite) and deficiency (inhibitor of appetite), which leads to an increase in eating, thus increasing the weight.

There are also studies indicate that the lack of hours of sleep makes the body resists the hormone insulin; rises the rate of sugar in the blood, even when healthy individuals, which increases the risk of diabetes, and concluded that these studies indicate that lack of sleep contribute to the rise in obesity is due to the problem of chronic deprivation of sleep, and follow the wrong food behaviors such as over-the food, and eating junk food.


You cannot say that the man could get rid of the sources of tension which are exposed on a daily basis, but he can reduce these sources of tension. And must find a way to get rid of daily stress and minimize as much as possible and do not leave your yourself easy prey for the inherent tension shall be to you in all your time and becomes an issue in a normal lifestyle.

As mentioned earlier, the lack of hours of sleep is not the only reason for the increased secretion of cortisol and stress, but also contributes to an increase in the hormone produced by the adrenal gland in response to pressure. It is known that cortisol stimulates the appetite to eat carbohydrates and sugars.

The chronic increase in cortisol can cause disabling the fat burning process and prevents the body to store fat. The crux of the matter here is that chronic exposure to stress contributes to weight gain on a continuous basis, particularly in the abdominal area of ​​the reason for which we have referred.

If you are looking for more health and fitness information then feel free to visit my web here

Fat burning in your body

Venus Factor Review
Recommends the traditional diets of exercise 60 to 90 minutes, five days a week, splitting meals to five small meals a day;but a new program to break all of those rules, and focused on raising the level of fat burning or metabolism and lifestyle changes, These are some tips:

Leave the rules of diet and exercise is behind you.

Venus Factor Review - Suggests the most weight loss diets reduce the number of calories, the consumption of a balanced diet based on the food pyramid, and increase the hours of exercise. But this formula and put more people in an empty cycle and caused the return of the additional pounds and declining energy level.

Traditional fitness plans can lower your metabolism.

A formula diet and exercise is traditional, as opposed to a plan to burn fat usually lead to the loss of body mass soft and reduce the metabolic rate is essential. It also brings a sense of overwhelming hunger and anxiety attacks because of the inability of energy are important to build the body. Causing stops many people from the follow-up program and a return to the old way of eating, which causes the return of excess weight quickly.

Keep lean body mass.

The key to the thinness does not come through rigorous exercise with cutting calories; the body will respond by eating energy reserves in the muscles. The brain is aware of this, and recognizes the existence of the problem is given a sharp sense of hunger and anxiety. Diane says, "to keep or increase muscle mass, which can be done within a few minutes a day without stress, you can move the machine to burn fat in the body." Health Fitness Program

Anti-Pseudomonas food lust

Of other obstacles in the traditional diets eat the wrong foods, processed meats and foods rich in empty calories, and lack of access to good hydration, is the common cause of the feeling of hunger condition false. While the plan will help burn the fat on the body to use stored fat as energy; you do not need to clubs or sports equipment. Only know the false hunger cravings and learn how to stop. The book contains eight steps of the plan helps to burn fat and loses weight without stress or a decline in the level of the body's energy.

Errors during the man lose weight

Venus Factor Program contain all unique tips and techniques for fat loss because it is  design to fulfill all your needs.

Avoid red meat in its final form:

Does not relying on a diet of red meat deprive you completely? Start at the beginning of the usual decrease your consumption of red meat, then reduced the amount covered by the gradually, because red meat is working mainly on the composition of your muscles and your body to highlight the sporty taut. They also contain elemental iron, zinc and vitamin B-12 who body wasting and weakness.

Avoid spices:

Some avoid the added spice of the food, it becomes a taste unpalatable begins to process the order to add some sauce or oil for food, and here it becomes the food is healthy does not help him to lose weight, and instead do add some spice to the food that manner.

Excessive intake of energy drinks during exercise:

During your practice of sport you will need for some drinks to avoid dehydration you feel as a result of sweating, but some make protein drinks high speeds and excessive ingested during exercise, and the result is that it has not decreased weight in any way.

Rely on vitamins vehicle instead of a balanced diet:

Some hated the vegetables, and therefore resort to capsules of vitamins to compensate for the lost elements of the body during normal diet. But this is not useful at all, because vitamin supplements are working, but they are not a substitute for the staple food at all, and therefore you have to get your body needs from the greens themselves.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Cellulite - How to get rid of it?

Joey Atlas
Why is it so common today, and the days of our grandmothers virtually no one heard of him? The reason is simple. Cellulite is a kind of disease of civilization, which is the result of improper diet, lack of exercise resulting from a move long hours in the office and in the car as well as hormonal changes, which often serve as a contraceptive pills and various hormonal treatments. Cellulite affects most likely to occur when there is a so called hormonal, and so at puberty, menopause, and pregnancy. But not only hormones are to blame here.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite "orange peel" is a term unsightly skin defects caused by enlargement and uneven distribution of hypertrophic fat cells, water and waste products. Proper fat cells have a diameter of about 1-2 mm. In people with cellulite cells occur with a diameter of 10 times. The cells are normally removed by the lymph, but in patients with cellulite its flow is disturbed.

Visible lumps and irregularities are enlarged fat cells. When increasing, and oppress the blood and lymphatic vessels. This results in the deterioration of the blood and excretion of waste products and toxins. Residue substances and water remain in the tissues grow and form a so-called orange zest.

With cellulite can be effectively fight, but to get rid of it you need to take action immediately after the first observation of changes. While in the initial phase of enough proper diet, exercise or cosmetic drainage, so in the subsequent phases of the assistance comes aesthetic medicine.

If you are looking for further information about cellulite and it's treatment the feel free to visit my web page

What is the treatment of cellulite?

Joey Atlas
Treatment of cellulite:

There are several treatments to combat cellulite. Some of them combine elements of masks or ampoule preparation firming, massage with Chinese cupping and smashing body fat with ultrasound. These treatments are designed to stimulate microcirculation and muscle tension and improve their oxygenation.

Lymphatic drainage:

This procedure is to assist the lymphatic vessels and allows stimulation of the deep layers skin. Dishes are prone to shrinkage and an active opening, allowing the continued flow of lymph transporting different kinds of waste products. This procedure can be performed manually or by using special cameras. During the procedure, the movements should be light, rhythmic. Every inch of skin is massaged after the other five or six times.

Body wrapping:

This treatment involves a tight wrapping of the body with foil. Before surgery, you should apply the scrub, and then the cream. Places affected by cellulite wraps up with a special film or bandage. The pressure affects not only the film on the legs or buttocks tissue, but also on the lymphatic vessels.

Pressure on the tissue, the pressure from the outside, increasing the pressure in the intercellular spaces, and thereby opens the valve in the lymphatic and venous vessels. These treatments are preparing the vessel for draining fluids and products transformation matter. Contraindication to surgery is inflammation of the veins and renal failure.

If you need any expert advice the follow the approach of Joey Atlas

Cellulite Treatment

Joey Atlas
Cellulite is the condition of improper body fat distribution and changes occurring subcutaneous tissue resulting in uneven and ridged surface of the skin.


The most important Measures to take before the treatment of cellulite are the correct diagnosis. Therefore, appropriate treatment should be preceded by a check-up. The so-called "orange peel" may cause hormonal disturbances, including mismatched contraceptives, obesity, and venous damage.


Cellulite Treatment depends on the location of its occurrence. Most often these are the hips, buttocks, abdomen and thighs, sometimes chest. At each site are different treatment and the effect will depend on the severity of lesions? "Orange peel" is a symptom of cellulite already developed, we achieve the best results using, mesotherapy, lipolysis sometimes in conjunction with massage dermaroller. Complementing the treatments are medications, dietary supplements and cosmetic treatments.